Keep Your eyes on this guy Osaze

Keep Your eyes on this guy Osaze

Every body is looking for that next unknown to take the scene by storm this could be one of the people we have to take serious, what do you think?

What I Learned at Skyzone | @ryanmw92 @trackstarz

What is going on everyone!! I do apologize for the unusual timing of this article. But here we are; back at it again. A couple days ago, I went to Skyzone with my girlfriend. It was an awesome experience, and I would recommend everyone to try it out!! It is a huge trampoline park and […]

Derek Minor Lands Placement on The CW’s “Black Lightning” TV Show

Derek Minor AKA “Hamberder Minor” on Twitter had a huge win this week. The song “It’s Not A Game” with Derek and Canon was featured on this week’s episode of “Black Lightning” on The CW channel. The song was used during an epic fight scene and really made the scene come alive. Derek had this […]